Returns Policy

We hope you will love everything that you order from us, however if for any reason this is not the case, you have 14 days to lodge a return for a store credit. 

Request a return by clicking here, please enter your order ID #, phone number/email. Customers are responsible for paying all shipping costs when returning their item/s.

Once your return has been lodged in our "Request A Return" portal, you will have the following options:

1) Pay $10 flat fee for your return label by using Sendle, the label can be printed off and taken to your most convenient location. (AUS only)

2) Take your parcel to the nearest postal drop off location. If you are using Australia Post click here OR find your nearest location by clicking here.

3) Book your own courier for the return.

Once your return has been processed, you will automatically receive a store credit valid for 1 year which can be used storewide, online only.

We accept returns for change of mind, size changes and style changes in exchange for a store credit.

We do not offer refunds unless an item arrives faulty or damaged.
The item must be returned in its original condition, unworn, unwashed, no stains, no odours (including perfumes) and with tags. If these conditions are not met, the return will be rejected and returned to you again at your own expense.

For hygiene reasons scarves and jewellery cannot be returned unless faulty.

Due to high demand we do not offer exchanges as we cannot guarantee that the item/s will be in stock once we receive your return.



Sold Out

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